Parenting Decoded – 2nd Edition


Helping you with:

  • Behaviour
  • Temper tantrums
  • Sulking
  • Fighting
  • Low self-esteem
  • Childhood disorders
  • ODD
  • Encopresis (soiling)
  • Enuresis (bedwetting)
  • And many more!

Dr Ken Resnick’s book, ‘Parenting Decoded’, is arguably the closest you’ll get to a complete parenting manual which gives parents all the knowledge and skills necessary to be the best parent they can be!

The SmartChoiceParenting Progamme helps parents understand that the way they parent their child is at the core of all developmental, behavioural and academic problems that may rise.

Feedback from many parents who have children diagnosed with various disorders such as soiling, bed-wetting, school refusal, defiance, etc, all reported that they had spent thousands of Rand's on different therapies with little or no improvement observed in their child. They were astounded at how quickly and effectively the problem was resolved after implementing the structures of the SmartChoiceParenting Progamme.

Common problems, including children sleeping in their parents bed, refusing to go to school, not wanting to brush their teeth, as well as many other relatively minor problems are easily resolved when the structures of the programme are implemented.

Get your copy, it could change your life!


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