Quite a number of children develop disorders that seem to stump professionals dealing with children. Encopresis and Elected Mutism are just two. I have had a 100% success rate with children who soil their pants as well as elected mutes. A lady from Cape Town called the other day to tell me that her son of 7 refused to speak to anyone at school, this included both teachers and peers. The only time that he spoke was at home. They had taken this child everywhere but no one could give them an option that worked.
The lady had not done the SmartChoiceParenting (SCP) workshop so I was uncertain as to whether or not I’d be able to help her. That night she Skyped me in the presence of the little boy. I then told her what she needed to do and made it clear to the little boy what the consequences of him choosing not to speak meant. Although he didn’t verbalize his response, he did nod his head to show that he understood. The next day mom called very excitedly. Her boy, for the first time this year, responded verbally to his teacher. She was ‘over the moon’. It took just one day for this problem to be resolved.
This is what makes SCP so different and more effective than most parenting programmes. When parents become comfortable with the mindset needed to manage the programme effectively, change is experienced within a few days, often overnight. Children who soil their pants are also making a choice; the key to resolving this problem is to know how to help the child understand the consequences of this choice, in such a way that he owns the problem whilst you, the parent, stay calm.
You’re welcome to contact me if you’d like any further information.