Dear Ken,

Both …. Of us thought that we knew it all, having already brought up one child.  What a shock Ryan has been.  From day one he has pushed the outer limits.

We had no skills on how to deal with this difficult child’s personality.  You gave us the skills and techniques to put into place when the problem arises.

You have saved Ryan’s life and helped us to keep our sanity.  It sounds weird – we often do not have the solution but at least we can handle the problem in a calm and controlled manner.

By now, we (child and parents) would have been on medication had we gone to another therapist and we would be in weekly therapy.  Once we had seen you we began to realise how little knowledge we had, you gave us the confidence and ‘know-how” to apply your methods in a safe way that not once isolated us from our child and he knows now the consequences to his behaviour and we have put boundaries in place that makes him feel loved and secure.
