Have you ever given it a thought that we are all born with x amount of potential and only realize a small portion of that potential? It’s sad to think that most of us pass on without having a clue of exactly how much potential hasn’t been actualized. This problem...
Quite a number of children develop disorders that seem to stump professionals dealing with children. Encopresis and Elected Mutism are just two. I have had a 100% success rate with children who soil their pants as well as elected mutes. A lady from Cape Town called...
The subject of spanking seems to come up time and time again. Seldom is an effective alternative offered to parents. Let’s make one thing clear; spanking is a form of abuse and very few parents spank their children when they’re cool and calm. Often the smacks are too...
Have you ever given it a thought that we are all born with a certain amount of potential and only realise a small portion of that potential? It’s sad to think that most of us pass on without having a clue of exactly how much of our potential hasn’t been...
Exam Stress It’s that time of the year when many learners, especially matrics, are frantically preparing for their final journey through their school life. However, it is near the end of the year and many learners will confront the final examination for 2019 in a...
Every child is born with potential but they are totally dependent on their relationship with an adult, usually parents and teachers, to guide them to adulthood. They are born with passion and potential and the ability to persevere, make decisions, take on challenges,...