SmartChoiceParenting – The Better Alternative
Dr Ken Resnick has developed and evaluated by way of a doctoral thesis a unique and very effective parenting programme which he has called Smartchoiceparenting (SCP).
During his research, he became aware that virtually all evidence-based parenting programmes are psychological in nature and are based on cognitive behavioural principles and social learning theory where the emphasis is on helping parents manage their child’s behaviour and other developmental problems.
What makes the SCP programme different is that it is not a psychological programme, but an educative one, where parents are given the knowledge, understanding and skills which make them aware that it is the quality of parenting that a child receives that lies at the root of virtually all developmental problems.
He has become increasingly concerned at the growing number of learners who are being assessed and diagnosed with various disorders, including ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), depression, anxiety disorders and many others.
Parent roles and their changing child
Since the advent of Covid, there appears to be a new pandemic of compassionate, overprotective, over-involved, and overly anxious parents who are being given the message that they need to keep their children safe. Dozens of websites seemingly developed by parents who have done very little or no research on parenting programmes have sprung up. They appear to have a huge following of parents, mainly mothers who more often than not give the most bizarre advice. Here is an example:
In order to do this, they are told to be there for the child, assist the child wherever possible and try and avoid exposing the child to any situation that might generate anxiety in the child.
As a result, many of today’s children are being mollycoddled, overprotected, and over-controlled and this results in a growing number of children being diagnosed and labelled with various developmental disorders.
From Dr Resnick’s observation and after chatting with a number of teachers, remedial classes are becoming larger, and high achievers are diminishing in numbers. Also, a growing number of learners starting out in grade 1 are being placed in remedial classes.
As a result of Covid, many parents were not been given the tools or the skills that enabled them to manage their children during their long stay at home.
The consequences of this are that too many children have been mixing with adults, and not encouraged to interact with their peers as a result many learners entering grade1 have poor social skills, lack confidence, have no interest in learning and have become over-dependent on an adult helping them when confronted with challenges presented to them in the classroom.
Every child is born facing its world with passion and curiosity and is totally dependent on an adult to help guide them, first into adolescence and then to adulthood.
A child cannot bring themselves up.
Every human child can and must be educated, however, they can only be educated by an adult, and this is every parent’s, caregiver’s and teacher’s responsibility.
Parents who have participated in the SCPP have given overwhelmingly positive feedback regarding the positive changes that they’ve experienced with their children since implementing the programme. Improvements have been noted across the full range of childhood disorders including ADHD, ODD, anxiety and many others.
Enrol now on this website for a life-changing experience.